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- Food Safety

SQFI has introduced four code amendments to be implemented and audited with the applicable Edition 9 codes:   Medical screening applies to Personnel Hygiene and Welfare,;;;;;;; These elements shall include a medical screening procedure for all employees, visitors and contractors who handle exposed product or food contact

- Farming

Azzule Systems has made its new version of PrimusGFS – v3.2 – currently available to auditees, it will be the mandatory version for audits scheduled after March 1, 2022.   PrimusGFS v3.2 aligns with the GFSI’s v2020.1 benchmarking requirements and offers both GAP (Farm, Indoor Agriculture, and Harvest Crew) and GMP (Cooling & Cold Storage,

- Food Safety

Keeping food safe involves the combined effort of every single player in the food production chain, from farm to fork. This means everyone needs to speak the same language and adhere to the same rules. ISO 22000 is an internationally recognized scheme in the food industry, and now a new guidance has just been published to help

- Food Safety

HACCP is a management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution, and consumption of the finished product. For the successful implementation of a HACCP plan, management must be strongly committed to the HACCP concept.

- News

Every year, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) introduced an ISO Survey showing an overall view of ISO standards certification for management systems. According to the 2019 survey results, the total number of valid certificates was less than 2017; the reason is associated with the involvement of certification bodies and changes in data, provided by

- Harmlessness

President Obama in 2011 signed FMSA, a work regulation set that changed the American Food Safety Systems for more than 70 years. The FDA published seven major regulations under FSMA, each one establishes new requirements creating responsibility in the industry to prevent pollution of food suppliers, instead of reacting to these issues. *FSMA regulations do

- Quality

Talking about education and after time, there’s been a big effort to provide education with good quality, evolving in infrastructure, equipment, staff competence, new programs and ways to study aiming to follow one mission: to improve our society. Regarding the regulations, some institutions have fulfilled their challenges and transformed their goals, based on tools that

- Quality

Throughout the years, ISO has published several standards for Environmental and Quality Management System with common elements, but with different structures. Companies that had implemented several standards in their management system face a challenge, which is finding a way to best integrate and combine standards until ISO developed an SL annex. SL annex created by

- Harmlessness

Food fraud is deceiving to obtaining a benefit from food. There are different types of food fraud, like the following:   Ingredients: by adding, substituting and adjusting; forgery of any ingredient to reduce cot or improve a feature. A false or misleading statement: to state a benefit or feature or origin in a label that’s

- Quality

Privately or publicly, there are many companies in our countries with a quality management system implemented under ISO 9001 requirements that bet on to achieve trust, security and business excellence. A quality management system requires an evaluation regarding the client’s perception, this allows companies to know if the quality is perceived internally and externally. One


• Antibribery
• Environmental
• Farming
• Food Safety
• Harmlessness
• Health and safety in the workplace
• Information Security
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• Quality
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