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  7 December, 2023   |   Quality  |  

What are 5-minute occupational safety and health meetings and what are they for?

To have a correct execution of our 5-minute meetings we must plan them quarterly, monthly, or weekly, to have a correct preparation of the topics to be discussed daily; this guarantees not to exhaust the topics or to be very reiterative in some of them which could cause disinterest of the collaborators and even be taken as tedious, the correct planning helps to remain constant, to correctly delimit the time of its duration, to encourage the participation of the collaborators since they can also participate giving some of them.


A 5-minute meeting properly executed can demonstrate empathy, consideration, interest, and above all with the participation of the collaborators gives a sense of belonging and adherence to the occupational health and safety management system improving its performance with their participation.


These meetings should be transferred to all levels and functions of the organization, since in no area can we say that the personnel is exempt from any contact with hazards and risks since each activity has its inherent nature.


Remember that 5 minutes may be the right time to avoid an accident and preserve your integrity and that of your colleagues.