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- Quality

Different approaches are used to determine the applicability of design and development in management systems and certification scopes, so it is necessary to understand the intent of the standard’s requirements.    ISO 9000 defines Design and Development as the set of processes that transform requirements for an objective into more detailed requirements for that objective.  

- Quality

By Diego Ayala.   Do you remember the first audit you did? Was it satisfactory? was it frustrating? was it friendly? Was it effective? Did you feel that you did not do your job because you did not leave non-conformities, or did you leave delighted because you left quite a few non-conformities? Indeed, before starting

- Quality

BY: Indra Mendoza, Global Standard Auditor.     Every organization, regardless of whether it is small or large, faces external and internal factors that take away certainty from the possibility of achieving its objectives. This effect of lack of certainty is a risk, and it is inherent to all activities (Kevin W. Knight, 2009).  

- Quality

An integrated management system (IMS) is a framework that combines multiple management systems into a single and cohesive system, such as quality, environment and occupational health and safety, into a single framework.   Auditing integrated management systems (IMS) is a thorough task that requires specific skills and knowledge; several competencies are required to enable the

- Quality

To have a correct execution of our 5-minute meetings we must plan them quarterly, monthly, or weekly, to have a correct preparation of the topics to be discussed daily; this guarantees not to exhaust the topics or to be very reiterative in some of them which could cause disinterest of the collaborators and even be

- Quality

Juan Medina / Auditor   An Integrated Management System (IMS) is a comprehensive framework that combines multiple management systems into a single, cohesive system made up of sets of standards such as ISO 9001, ISO14001 or ISO 45000, as well as processes and procedures that enable an organization to effectively manage its environmental, quality, safety,

- Quality

An “organization” can be initially defined as a person or a group of people with specific functions, responsibilities, authorities, and relationships working together to achieve their objectives. This can encompass independent workers, associations, corporations, companies, or firms (ISO 9000:2015 3.2.1).   On the other hand, a “process” is characterized as a set of interconnected activities

- Quality

The scope of registration and certification will need to reflect precisely and clearly the activities covered by your organization’s management system; any exclusion to non-applicable requirements of the standards should be documented and justified in the manual. No single business-related activity should exist outside of the scope. You should discuss the scope of registration prior

- Quality

Talking about education and after time, there’s been a big effort to provide education with good quality, evolving in infrastructure, equipment, staff competence, new programs and ways to study aiming to follow one mission: to improve our society. Regarding the regulations, some institutions have fulfilled their challenges and transformed their goals, based on tools that

- Quality

Throughout the years, ISO has published several standards for Environmental and Quality Management System with common elements, but with different structures. Companies that had implemented several standards in their management system face a challenge, which is finding a way to best integrate and combine standards until ISO developed an SL annex. SL annex created by

• Antibribery
• Environmental
• Farming
• Food Safety
• Harmlessness
• Health and safety in the workplace
• Information Security
• News
• Noticias
• Quality
• Social Responsibility