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- Quality

Privately or publicly, there are many companies in our countries with a quality management system implemented under ISO 9001 requirements that bet on to achieve trust, security and business excellence. A quality management system requires an evaluation regarding the client’s perception, this allows companies to know if the quality is perceived internally and externally. One

- Quality

The preparation work of some international standards is made through technical committees of ISO (The International Organization for Standardization) that is the World Federation of National Bodies of Standardization. There are technical committees that vote to prepare and approve international standards. The international standard requires the approval of at list 75% of members with the

- Quality

We live in a time that most people see technology as quality attention, accessibility, individualization, and reliability. Clients’ needs grow rapidly and at the same time replying time decreases and competence rises. The standardization of products turns customer care the focus of companies. Contemporary consumers indicate the path for the attention they want to receive;

- Quality

Why it’s important a tracking and measuring equipment in ISO 9001:2015? ISO 9001:2015 has the requirements that we shall comply with, by controlling the equipment that we used to carry out or produce changeable products or processes. Why monitoring and measuring? Everybody knows what’s a measuring device is but not the monitoring device standard. The

- Quality

Currently, most of the organizations focus on the customer and quite often resources are investing in creating a Customer Service department, which guarantees the client’s satisfaction, however, a question that we must ask ourselves is: how effective is the customer service department?. ISO 9001 confers the requirements for creating a quality administration model. There are

- Quality

According to ISO, a nonconformance is not fulfilling a system requirement, either specified or not. A requirement is a need or established expectation, usually explicit or mandatory. First, you need to determine: what’s the contention or immediate action? The purpose of this action is to stop the nonconformance occurrence and then analyze the root causes

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