Certified organizations may use the logotype of GlobalSTD and the accreditation bodies to let their clients know that they have been certified. Having obtained a certificate, they have the right to prove its traceability and international validity. GlobalSTD has Instruction Manuals for the use of logotypes based on the applicable management systems and standards.
We are aware that having successfully obtained a certification leads to important benefits for the companies. That is why we put at your disposal our Guidelines Manuals and examples of use. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you need any personalized assistance.
Please keep in mind that the use of logotypes and certification references is audited during the surveillance and re-certification audits. GlobalSTD is constantly monitoring the inappropriate use of logotypes and certification references. When the case applies, we get in touch with the organization, as we know this is an important investment, and resources should be used in the best way.
Please write us to emisiondecertificados@globalstd.com